Now let's deal with the concept of "fixed deformity of fingers." Take as an example of the so-called deformation hammer toes. Most often these changes is subject to a second finger, but this does not exclude such a strain 3 and 4 fingers. For five finger strain, which is observed in a large percentage of people we treat, without attention, because it rarely leads to painful sensations. Hammer deformation implies the relation phalanges at an angle to each other. ect. Normally, phalanges are in a straight line. If the shoe is low, and the front shoe department is narrowed, the phalanges are at an angle from the minimum and sometimes going as far as the angle of 90 degrees. That during the formation of hammer toe, when we can easily rectify, designate as non-fixed deformation. But if the finger for a long time remains in this position, ligaments, muscles from one hand stretched on this set, but from the opposite side - are reduced, and a finger we can not even straighten out much effort, but an attempt to do so causes great pain.
About this strain can be referred to as fixed. If the deformation of fingers occurs in childhood (eg, due to the late change of shoes in size), it is an asymmetric growth of the phalanges. By asymmetry, we can say that compacted, causing hyperkeratosis (excessive thickening of the upper layer of skin). In this joint shoe is like between a rock and a hard place, sandwiched between the sole and the upper part of the shoe. This process usually accompanied by severe pain, and, unfortunately, only in this stage leads women to a doctor in desperation, asking: "Do what you want, though Chop off a finger!" One of these patients came in the warm winter boots with cut-out hole on the second finger to prevent pain. Another patient with a strain only 2 fingers on one leg, came in sandals, which over the second toes were cut, "Hearts." To reply, "Well, what did you choose a shoe, "the patient replied:" That my husband, "Hearts" cut out so I could walk. " But such situations can be completely deleted if you know what can cause early signs ploskostopiyai deformation of fingers and promptly carry out preventive measures. We'll talk about them in one of these conversations.