Conference for software and system design for medical devices Oberhaching, September 15, 2008 the MedConf is the first German-speaking Conference, devoted to the subject of software and system design for medical devices. It will be 23 25 September 2008 held in Munich and is aimed at employees and managers of IT departments of medical technology companies and service providers in this environment. In the thematic focus, in particular the subject of quality and risk management are the software and system design for medical devices, but also General aspects of software engineering methods, processes and tools. It is gratifying, therefore, that in the framework of the first annual MedConf many of the issues addressed, facing the manufacturer in this innovative area increasingly"so the ZVEI in a greeting to the Conference. And the VDI strongly recommends its members participating in the Conference. Employees of member companies of the ZVEI or members of the VDI can therefore become a discounted participation fee of 750.00 to login. For more information about the MedConf and the individual lectures and workshops at: of the VDI is leading with around 135,000 members the largest technical and scientific association in Germany and internationally. In his medical specialty of VDI offers an interdisciplinary and neutral platform to build of personal networks stakeholders from industry, the research and the science and policy.
In this way, future - and people-oriented concepts can be developed and implemented in medical technology. The basis of this work is the community vision, medical technology as important partners in the value chain and to establish strong economic factor, ensuring existing jobs and creates many new. The ZVEI is the Trade Association of the industry of electrical industry in Germany. It represents political and technological interests at national and international level and supports international standards and Standardization projects. As the umbrella organization of 24 trade associations representing more than 1,400 member companies of ZVEI and is according to the Association of German machine and plant engineering (VDMA) the second largest industry association in Germany. Association electro-medical technology, the manufacturer of electromedical equipment and systems work actively, represents the interests of the medical technology industry in the areas of business, technology and standardization to the policy-makers and the social environment.
The HLMC events GmbH is specialized on the Organization of events in the field of software engineering for seven years. The focus of the HLMC events both on the technical or substantive as also the organizational handling of conferences, user group meetings, workshops and road shows in the sales order. Total already several thousand participants from the IT industry have visited the events of HLMC events. The HLMC events addressed current trends in software engineering and thus ensures the success of the event. The Services of the HLMC events includes the search and selection of method lectures, keynotes and user -, the acquisition of sponsors and exhibitors and the entire organisational and administrative processing of designated events. Furthermore, the HLMC events advises various companies in the conduct of events in the IT industry. By the clear and precise focusing on the field of software engineering a first-class and comprehensive network has established the HLMC events here, from which benefit their clients.