As it aches to see people for there resting on other people's pain. It is a form to cause a quiet hemorrhage in the soul of the others. Not that the people need ' ' compaixo' ' or that ' ' they feel d' ' of them, for the opposite. But it does not need to step on and to rest on the carcass of who is to pieces. Of who he is not being who could be. Or who is if forgetting to be who it would have to be. To rest on other people's pain is a form sad of fondness to be seen or to be heard. To place its preferences and priorities to the front of everything and all.
To make of the relationships a permanent bond of utility, but with no meaning. It is to step on in the heart and to forget in the acostamentos the life somebody (who knows somebody that you already loved of some form), exactly, today, for being the person most useless in your life. because it absolutely does not serve you for more nothing For not having nothing to offer to you Therefore, it finds that it does not deserve nothing of you, or only the indifference of egoistic attitudes. To rejoice itself because you have somebody to the side, but not to go deep this somebody (or in the others that walks for there, deeply hurt, trying to find a place to accomodate its pains of the world). At last, he has much people for there resting its fondnesses on pains of other people, as if to think how much it is valuable for proper itself she was more excellent of what trying to decide a skill of being valuable for somebody.