The specific objectives thus had been defined: To present a historical briefing of the Prodepa; To define the concepts of protocol archive according to authors of the area; To present the physical structure of the sector; To define the attributions, the activities developed for the Sector of Documentation; The profile of the professionals; The projects that are being developed currently; The future projects. The subject becomes of great relevance therefore intrinsically is related the security, keeps and dissemination of the information, beyond the document management important factors for Administration of a company. Moreover, the subject intends to divulge the importance of the professionals who act in this sector, that many times and, almost in the majority percentile speaking of the times, is not recognized for its same fellow workers and for the institution where they act. 2 PRODEPA? Company PRODEPA, with its matrix located in kilometer ten of the august highway Montenegro in the city of Belm of Par, with an area of approximately 6 a thousand m, being of these approximately 2,5 a thousand m of constructed area. She possesss regional located in cities of the state in Altamira, Itaituba, Marab, Glad Mount, bidos, Paragominas, Redeno and Santarm, as well as technological nuclei in state agencies, such as, Secretariat of the Farm, Integrated Center of the Government, Secretariat of Public Health, Department of Transit, among others.
It elaborates logical infrastructure first drafts of computer networks - cabeadas or not - and registers nets local. It gives consultoria in cabeamento of net, assembly of nets and configurations of net asset. Still it executes the installation of corporative antivirus, it plans and it executes transmissions of videoconferncia for the state net and the Internet. It possesss performance areas, being: I.Suporte the net services - the PRODEPA offers support to the services of net of the Government of the State of Par, monitoring and managing the assets and servers of the corporative net, adding value to the services provided for the diverse agencies, that use the computer networks and the Internet as tools to optimize its performance and to increase the productivity.