May 11, 2017

Allergies Quot Hello, dear parents! I do not think there is now a man who did not hear or would not know about allergies. And it all begins in childhood or even in childhood, but earlier in the womb. Food allergy occurs in three types of reasons: 1. Non-compliance with the rules of healthy eating mother during pregnancy and / or while breastfeeding, introduction of complementary foods, when he is introduced before the body is ready to accept it. 2. Dysbiosis, causes which may vary: violations of stool (diarrhea, constipation), immature immune system of the child (see paragraph 1); violation of intestinal microflora, which leads to the formation in it of pathogens. This leads to disruption of pancreas, which makes the enzyme deficiency. It is expressed foreign protein intolerance: a) milk protein and beef, and b) soybean, and c) lactose (milk sugar). 3. Congenital allergy, ie, genetic predisposition to allergies. If you know that the family has allergies, be prepared for allergies in the child. And yet there are medications and allergies. The main thing that parents need to understand what innocuous children's diathesis, which completely goes away on its own to 1.5-3 years, does not happen. And if you're "lucky" and your offspring have one of these types of allergies, then most likely you have already visited a doctor, and may even not be a single doctor. And the drugs you spoili your child more than one bucket, and so much money spent on it ... a familiar story? Familiar story to me.

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